Week 10
Previous goals
Take a break after the ICSE submission!
This week I mainly work on small issues/cleanup work after the paper submission to leave it at a reasonable state before ending the research.
- I generated PDF (vector graphics) figures for the camera-ready version of the paper.
- I refactored the Puthon code files to account for the way the ground truth labelling is for the tangled line case. An investigation into the Rand Index score calculation reveals that the one-to-many matching from lines to labels causes it to be a variant of Rand Index. I made PR for Mike to review and will note the TODOs options for this specific problem in the paper.
- Generated the line-based Rand Index score for the C# Flexeme synthetic benchmark. I onatined an average score of 0.82, which is only slightly higher than the reported accuracy score from the original Flexeme paper. This means that there is something in the re-implementation of Flexeme that fails to capture the syntatical differents between C# and Java.
- I set up the SSH for CSE and PLSE machines o my laptop to be able to work on pipsqueak from Colgate. I also installed the MongoDB database for the second dataset of tangled commits.
This is my last week at UW. I am grateful for the mentorship, friendship I have been offered. The PLSE lab is an amazing and wholesome, and I will definitely miss all of you a lot. Goodbye UW, goodbye PLSE, goodbye Mike!
Written on August 10, 2023